Source code for euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products


The main function of this package is ``get_euler_products`` which computes
with interval arithmetic and a proven precision
Euler products of rational functions over primes in special sets modulo some fixed ``q``.
These special sets are the lattice invariant classes modulo ``q``, and the software also enables
the user to use them through the class ``ComponentStructure``.


- Olivier Ramaré (2023-01-008) : initial version
- Dominique Benielli (2023-02_15)
  Aix Marseille Université ,
  Integration as SageMath package.
  Cellule de developpement Institut Archimède


  Needs Sage version at least 9.0
  CAREFUL, this is Python 3 code!


    sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_euler_products

# *****************************************************************************
#       Copyright (C) 2023 Olivier Ramare
#       < olivier . ramare>
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# *****************************************************************************
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys
from timeit import default_timer as timer

from sage.functions.other import ceil, floor
from sage.sets.primes import Primes
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
from sage.functions.log import exp
from sage.functions.log import log
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
from sage.misc.flatten import flatten
from sage.arith.misc import prime_factors
from sage.arith.misc import prime_divisors
from sage.rings.integer import Integer
from sage.rings.real_mpfi import RealIntervalField
from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RealField
from euler_product.utils_euler_product import ComponentStructure
from euler_product.utils_euler_product import get_beta
from euler_product.utils_euler_product import laTeX_for_number
from euler_product.utils_euler_product import nb_common_digits

[docs] def get_vs(q, s, nb_decimals=100, big_p=100, verbose=2, with_laTeX=0, digits_offset=10): r""" Returns the pair ((A), (approx_zeta(s; q, A))) where (A) is the tuple of the lattice-invariant classes modulo ``q`` and approx_zeta(s; q, A) is an arithmetic interval approximation of :math:`\zeta(s; q, A) = \prod_{p\in A}(1-p^{-s})^{-1}` given in the form of a pair (lower_bound, upper_bound). We expect the difference upper_bound - lower bound to be < 10^(-nb_decimals) but this is not guaranteed. In case it does not happen, increase nb_decimals slightly. We compute directly what happens for primes < ``big_p``. We ask at the beginning for `digits_offset` more (binary) digits. INPUT: - ``q`` -- int The products are taken over classes modulo ``q``. - ``s`` -- int, rat or real number A real number > 1. It should be given with enough precision to enable the computations, so either an exact type or a ``RealIntervalField(...)`` number, given with enough precision. As this precision is given in binary digits, using ``10*nb_decimals`` is a safe choice. Notice that, if you want to have ``s = 2.1``, better use ``21/10``. - ``nb_decimals`` -- int (default: `100`) The number of decimals that are being sought by the final result. The function aims at such a number of decimals but a final tuning may be required. - ``big_p`` -- int (default: `100`), optional This is an internal parameter that is described in the accompanying paper. In short: the Euler products up to ``big_p`` are computed directly. - ``verbose`` -- int (default: `2`), optional Defines the amount of output shown. It may take the usual values 0, 1, 2, towards more explanations. When ``get_vs`` is used inside another function, ``verbose = 0`` is usually what is required. The value -1 is special and the effect is fully described in the tutorial. - ``with_laTeX`` -- int (default: `0`), optional This parameter takes the value 1 or not 1. As of now, this has effect only when ``verbose == 2``. - ``digits_offset`` -- int (default: `10`), optional We ask for some more digits, see above. OUTPUT: pair of tuples The output is a pair whose first component is the tuple of lattice invariant classes (A) and second component is the corresponding tuple of values :math:`(\zeta(s; q, A))` where each value is given in interval arithmetic as a pair (lower_bound, upper_bound). EXAMPLES:: sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_vs sage: from sage.all import RealNumber sage: get_vs(8, 3, 100) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Computing the structural invariants ... done. Computing big m ... Computing the finite product for p < 100 ... done. done: we use big_m = 18 . Building indices ... done: there are 5 summands. ------------------- For p + 8ZZ in frozenset({1}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-3}) is between 1.00022487189858708836232213399171649391737471516970709876892216031894460446108615250640526399629122151838389 and 1.00022487189858708836232213399171649391737471516970709876892216031894460446108615250640526399629122151838407 (Obtained: 104 correct decimal digits) ------------------- For p + 8ZZ in frozenset({3}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-3}) is between 1.03941995442465269726466028414808844655561938824520417669418677265825033928903395095004198994772110633052081 and 1.03941995442465269726466028414808844655561938824520417669418677265825033928903395095004198994772110633052096 (Obtained: 105 correct decimal digits) ------------------- For p + 8ZZ in frozenset({5}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-3}) is between 1.00859929667035262471282393658930645974303187198527123038915644169227273758988775728257540659401768223811113 and 1.00859929667035262471282393658930645974303187198527123038915644169227273758988775728257540659401768223811127 (Obtained: 105 correct decimal digits) ------------------- For p + 8ZZ in frozenset({7}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-3}) is between 1.00305724526111078841419961903241251128776224554544642576504934327705380373558762279204676597516287864231117 and 1.00305724526111078841419961903241251128776224554544642576504934327705380373558762279204676597516287864231131 (Obtained: 105 correct decimal digits) ((frozenset({1}), frozenset({3}), frozenset({5}), frozenset({7})), ((1.00022487189858708836232213399171649391737471516970709876892216031894460446108615250640526399629122151838389, 1.00022487189858708836232213399171649391737471516970709876892216031894460446108615250640526399629122151838407), (1.03941995442465269726466028414808844655561938824520417669418677265825033928903395095004198994772110633052081, 1.03941995442465269726466028414808844655561938824520417669418677265825033928903395095004198994772110633052096), (1.00859929667035262471282393658930645974303187198527123038915644169227273758988775728257540659401768223811113, 1.00859929667035262471282393658930645974303187198527123038915644169227273758988775728257540659401768223811127), (1.00305724526111078841419961903241251128776224554544642576504934327705380373558762279204676597516287864231117, 1.00305724526111078841419961903241251128776224554544642576504934327705380373558762279204676597516287864231131))) sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_vs sage: from sage.all import RealNumber sage: ss = RealIntervalField(1000)(2.1) sage: get_vs(7, ss, 100) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Computing the structural invariants ... done. Computing big m ... Computing the finite product for p < 100 ... done. done: we use big_m = 25 . Building indices ... done: there are 11 summands. ------------------- For p + 7ZZ in frozenset({1}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2.10000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?}) is between 1.0015251649887938725660913688010517101666208733880109315688816926296884362067543474803469725091159142720127867 and 1.0015251649887938725660913688010517101666208733880109315688816926296884362067543474803469725091159142721524294 (Obtained: 102 correct decimal digits) ------------------- For p + 7ZZ in frozenset({6}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2.10000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?}) is between 1.0053143647905533679330453141809294714882943247539536696871604072988921328496577468083535690636615857899394878 and 1.0053143647905533679330453141809294714882943247539536696871604072988921328496577468083535690636615857900796593 (Obtained: 100 correct decimal digits) ------------------- For p + 7ZZ in frozenset({2, 4}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2.10000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?}) is between 1.3163847262351936805824813658507662946352860144404616097232556176854606556798278964523547342562974874324307818 and 1.3163847262351936805824813658507662946352860144404616097232556176854606556798278964523547342562974874326143261 (Obtained: 102 correct decimal digits) ------------------- For p + 7ZZ in frozenset({3, 5}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2.10000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?}) is between 1.1573918393315763316569087551275677116540398269978595705035335829359240632731578772727923341501394332932502825 and 1.1573918393315763316569087551275677116540398269978595705035335829359240632731578772727923341501394332934116590 (Obtained: 102 correct decimal digits) ((frozenset({1}), frozenset({6}), frozenset({2, 4}), frozenset({3, 5})), ((1.0015251649887938725660913688010517101666208733880109315688816926296884362067543474803469725091159142720127867, 1.0015251649887938725660913688010517101666208733880109315688816926296884362067543474803469725091159142721524294), (1.0053143647905533679330453141809294714882943247539536696871604072988921328496577468083535690636615857899394878, 1.0053143647905533679330453141809294714882943247539536696871604072988921328496577468083535690636615857900796593), (1.3163847262351936805824813658507662946352860144404616097232556176854606556798278964523547342562974874324307818, 1.3163847262351936805824813658507662946352860144404616097232556176854606556798278964523547342562974874326143261), (1.1573918393315763316569087551275677116540398269978595705035335829359240632731578772727923341501394332932502825, 1.1573918393315763316569087551275677116540398269978595705035335829359240632731578772727923341501394332934116590))) TESTS:: sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_vs sage: from sage.all import RealNumber sage: get_vs(3, 2, 100) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Computing the structural invariants ... done. Computing big m ... Computing the finite product for p < 100 ... done. done: we use big_m = 26 . Building indices ... done: there are 5 summands. ------------------- For p + 3ZZ in frozenset({1}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2}) is between 1.0340148754143418805390306444130476285789654284890998864168250384212222458710963580496217079826205962897974283 and 1.0340148754143418805390306444130476285789654284890998864168250384212222458710963580496217079826205962901601292 (Obtained: 100 correct decimal digits) ------------------- For p + 3ZZ in frozenset({2}) the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2}) is between 1.4140643908921476375655018190798293799076950693931621750399249624239281069920884994537548585024751141999583734 and 1.4140643908921476375655018190798293799076950693931621750399249624239281069920884994537548585024751142004543841 (Obtained: 99 correct decimal digits) ((frozenset({1}), frozenset({2})), ((1.0340148754143418805390306444130476285789654284890998864168250384212222458710963580496217079826205962897974283, 1.0340148754143418805390306444130476285789654284890998864168250384212222458710963580496217079826205962901601292), (1.4140643908921476375655018190798293799076950693931621750399249624239281069920884994537548585024751141999583734, 1.4140643908921476375655018190798293799076950693931621750399249624239281069920884994537548585024751142004543841))) """ start = timer() # Compute the structural invariants: if verbose >= 2: sys.stdout.write("Computing the structural invariants ... ") structure = ComponentStructure(q) # (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_classes, theExponent, # phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure if verbose >= 2: print(" done.") # Getting bigM: if verbose >= 2: sys.stdout.write("Computing big m ... ") allowed_primes = set(prime_factors(structure.phi_q)) cte = structure.nb_class * prod([1 + 2 / (p - 1) for p in allowed_primes]) big_m = 10 while (float(log(cte) + log(1 + big_p / (big_m * s)) - s * big_m * log(big_p) + (nb_decimals + 1) * log(10)) > 0): big_m = big_m + 1 # Initial computations: if verbose >= 2: sys.stdout.write("Computing the finite product for p < " + str(big_p) + " ... ") prec = ceil(nb_decimals * log(10) / log(2) + digits_offset + ceil(big_m)) R = RealIntervalField(prec) # s = R(s) # Empty initial products are allowed: euler_prod_ini = tuple([R(1 / prod( flatten([1, [R(1 - 1 / R(p)**s) for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes()) and (w % q in structure.the_Class_tuple[i]), range(2, big_p))]]))) for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)]) if verbose >= 2: print(" done.") log_err = R(cte * (1 + big_p / (big_m * s)) / R(big_p)**(s * big_m)) if verbose >= 2: print("done: we use big_m =", big_m, ".") # Build the set of indices di: if verbose >= 2: sys.stdout.write("Building indices ... ") my_indices = [m for m in filter(lambda w: set(prime_factors(w)).issubset(allowed_primes), range(1, big_m))] # 1 is indeed in my_indices. CAKm = structure.get_CA_Km(my_indices=my_indices) if verbose >= 2: print("done: there are", len(my_indices), "summands.") vs_approx = [R(0)] * structure.nb_class for m in my_indices: # print(q, m, s, bigP, prec)|-| aux = structure.get_gamma(m, s, big_p, prec) for ind_a in range(0, structure.nb_class): for ind_k in range(0, structure.nb_class): vs_approx[ind_a] += aux[ind_k] * CAKm[ind_a, ind_k, m] / m # We now have to get the Euler products: eulerProds = tuple([(R(euler_prod_ini[i] * exp(vs_approx[i] - log_err)).lower(), R(euler_prod_ini[i] * exp(vs_approx[i] + log_err)).upper()) for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)]) if verbose >= 2: for i in range(0, structure.nb_class): nb_digits = nb_common_digits(eulerProds[i][1], eulerProds[i][0]) # type: ignore print("-------------------") print("For p + " + str(q) + "ZZ in", structure.the_Class_tuple[i]) print("the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-" + str(s) + "}) is between") print(eulerProds[i][0]) # type: ignore print("and") print(eulerProds[i][1]) # type: ignore if with_laTeX == 1: print("LaTeX format:") how_many = min(nb_decimals, nb_digits) print(laTeX_for_number(eulerProds[i][0], how_many, 10)) # type: ignore print("(Obtained: ", nb_digits, " correct decimal digits)") end = timer() if verbose == 1: print("Time taken:", end - start, "seconds.") # print(my_indices) if verbose == -1: return([big_p, structure.phi_q, len(my_indices), structure.nb_class, big_m, end - start, - floor(log(eulerProds[0][1] - eulerProds[0][0]) / log(10))]) # type: ignore else: return structure.the_Class_tuple, eulerProds
[docs] def get_euler_products(q, s, f_init, h_init, nb_decimals=100, big_p=300, verbose=2, with_laTeX=0, digital_offset=10): r""" Returns the pair ((A), (approx_prod_(p in A mod q) f_init(1/p^s) / h_init(1/p^s) ) ) where (A) is the tuple of the lattice-invariant classes modulo ``q`` and approx_prod_(p in A mod q) f_init(1/p^s) / h_init(1/ps) ) is an arithmetic interval approximation of the product over every prime in the class A modulo q of the quotient f_init(1/p^s) / h_init(1/p^s) given in the form of a pair (lower_bound, upper_bound). We expect the difference upper_bound - lower bound to be < 10^(-nb_decimals) but this is not guaranteed. In case it does not happen, increase ``nb_decimals`` slightly. We ask at the beginning for `digital_offset` more (binary) digits. We compute directly what happens for primes < ``big_p``. We assume that f_init(0) = h_init(0) = 1, that s is a positive real number and that :math:`\Delta s > 1` where :math:`\Delta` is the order of the zero of f_init-h_init at 0. This last condition is to ensure the Euler products converge absolutely. See Theorem 2 of :doc:`the reference file<../tutorial/LoeschianConstant-NS-04-MCOMP>`. to do assert F[0] = H[0] = 1 INPUT: - ``q`` -- int a positive integer. The products are taken over classes modulo q. - ``s`` -- int, rat or real number A real number > 0. It should be given with enough precision to enable the computations, so either an exact type or a ``RealIntervalField(...)`` number, given with enough precision. As this precision is given in binary digits, using ``10*nb_decimals`` is a safe choice. Notice that, if you want to have ``s = 2.1``, better use ``21/10``. Additional conditions may be required for the Euler products to be absolutely convergent. - ``f_init`` -- pol a polynomial with real coefficients and such that f_init(0) = 1. - ``h_init`` -- pol a polynomial with real coefficients and such that h_init(0) = 1. - ``nb_decimals`` -- int (default: `100`), optional The number of decimals that are being sought by the final result. The function aims at such a number of decimals but a final tuning may be required. - ``big_p`` -- int (default:`300`), optional This is an internal parameter that is described in the accompanying paper. In short: the Euler products up to ``big_p`` are computed directly. - ``verbose`` -- int (default: `2`), optional Defines the amount of output shown. It may take the usual values 0, 1, 2, towards more explanations. When ``get_vs`` is used inside another function, ``verbose == 0`` is usually what is required. The value -1 is special and the effect is fully described in the tutorial. - ``with_laTeX`` -- int (default: `0`), optional This parameter takes the value either 1 or not 1. As of now, this has effect only when ``verbose == 2``. - ``digits_offset`` -- int (default: `10`), optional Not used yet. OUTPUT: pair of tuples The output is a pair whose first component is the tuple of lattice invariant classes (A) and second component is the corresponding tuple of values (prod_(p in A mod q) f_init(1/p^s) / h_init(1/p^s) ) where each value is given in interval arithmetic as a pair (lower_bound, upper_bound). EXCEPTIONS: ValueError ('non convergent product') ValueError("f_init[0] and h_init[0] must be equal to 1") EXAMPLES:: sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_euler_products sage: get_euler_products(7, 21/10, 1-x^3, 1+2*x^2, 100, 100, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ((frozenset({1}), frozenset({6}), frozenset({2, 4}), frozenset({3, 5})), ((0.9999982391236771174582758043183901338942364901235699217522601062931335918060239723453736409102740196458132617578911976337827035056548487, 0.9999982391236771174582758043183901338942364901235699217522601062931335918060239723453736409102740196458132617578911976337827035058702859), (0.9999576136884417398077559625848130088885656351740787265112227071217155682725032721589661739481265973172546756861113391191295834691038278, 0.9999576136884417398077559625848130088885656351740787265112227071217155682725032721589661739481265973172546756861113391191295834695309445), (0.8903351065070010591619870364916093462000320541037928008286414361647911118617149004528444428927243238343453800105285278416937429697527759, 0.8903351065070010591619870364916093462000320541037928008286414361647911118617149004528444428927243238343453800105285278416937429701294787), (0.9772686478893137854388184266844545895906115657758499208289733302484239589826603294718981918722254050003289550536985865206208817481509527, 0.9772686478893137854388184266844545895906115657758499208289733302484239589826603294718981918722254050003289550536985865206208817489644518))) sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_euler_products sage: from sage.all import RealNumber sage: ss = RealIntervalField(1000)(2.1) sage: get_euler_products(7, ss, 1-x^3, 1+2*x^2, 100, 100, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ((frozenset({1}), frozenset({6}), frozenset({2, 4}), frozenset({3, 5})), ((0.9999982391236771174593563029845165888949925030802468731879907340376417409448258804977425145432276967368069400485351556253529538963227206, 0.9999982391236771174593563029845165888949925030802468731879907340376417409448258804977425145432276967368069400485351556253529538964531787), (0.9999576136884417398271690198938580248373051070700165881172968559533702467774954223949082638318313973207279942499461484456197967852358670, 0.9999576136884417398271690198938580248373051070700165881172968559533702467774954223949082638318313973207279942499461484456197967854939739), (0.8903351065070010720688279359417577943450315878955017449322206666706753000624035653585286591685046103123298899332142094572919914905004413, 0.8903351065070010720688279359417577943450315878955017449322206666706753000624035653585286591685046103123298899332142094572919914907258341), (0.9772686478893137901030489977249098644207078284256772977807607160813875957724686047692999490530968236161711793835695795600577094636101003, 0.9772686478893137901030489977249098644207078284256772977807607160813875957724686047692999490530968236161711793835695795600577094640930035))) """ start = timer() # assert F[0] = H[0] = 1 # Compute the structural invariants: if verbose >= 2: sys.stdout.write("Computing the structural invariants ... ") structure = ComponentStructure(q=q) # (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_classes, theExponent, # phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure if verbose >= 2: print(" done.") # A small precision is enough: R0 = RealField(30) R0X = R0['x'] (x,) = R0X._first_ngens(1) F0, H0 = R0X(f_init), R0X(h_init) if Integer(H0[0]) != Integer(F0[0]): raise ValueError("f_init[0] and h_init[0] must be equal to 1") my_delta = (F0 - H0).valuation() if my_delta * s <= 1: raise ValueError('non convergent product') # Get my_beta, myDelta and big_p: my_beta = max(2, get_beta(F0 / F0[0]), get_beta(H0 / H0[0])) if verbose >= 2: print("We have Delta =", my_delta, "and beta =", my_beta) # Getting bigM, prec and bigP: big_p = max(big_p, 2 * my_beta) cte = 4 * structure.nb_class**2 * ( + * (s + big_p) big_m = big_p + 10 while (float(log(cte) + (big_m + 1) * (s*log(big_p) - log(my_beta)) - (nb_decimals + 1) * log(10)) < 0): big_m = big_m + 10 # The coefficients CA(K,m,F/H) may increase like beta^m, # This spoils the accuracy and has to be recovered: prec = ceil(nb_decimals * log(10) / log(2) + digital_offset) + ceil(float(big_m * log(my_beta) / log(2))) if verbose >= 2: print("We use big_m =", big_m, ", big_p =", big_p, "and working prec =", prec) # The precision has changed! Change the ring: R = RealIntervalField(prec) RF = RealField(prec + 1) log_err = R(cte * (my_beta / (R(big_p)**s))**(big_m + 1)) RX = R['x'] (x,) = RX._first_ngens(1) F, H = RX(f_init / Integer(F0[0])), RX(h_init / Integer(H0[0])) # Initial computations: if verbose >= 2: sys.stdout.write("Computing the finite products for p < " + str(big_p) + " ... ") # Empty initial products are allowed: # print([ p for p in range(2, big_p)]) # print([F(1/Integer(p)**s) for p in range(2, big_p)]) # print([H(1/Integer(p)**s) for p in range(2, big_p)]) # print([F(1/p**s)/H(1/p**s) for p in range(2, big_p)]) # print([R(F(1/p**s)/H(1/p**s)) for p in Primes()]) # prod_list = [1] # for i in range(0, structure.nb_class): # prod_list.append([R(F(1/Integer(p)**s) / H(1/Integer(p)**s)) # for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes()) # and (w%q in structure.the_Class_tuple[i]), # range(2, big_p))]) # eulerProdIni = tuple(prod(flatten(prod_list))) eulerProdIni = tuple(prod(flatten([1, [R(F(R(1 / R(p)**s)) / H(R(1 / R(p)**s))) for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes()) and (w % q in structure.the_Class_tuple[i]), range(2, big_p))]])) for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)) if verbose >= 2: print(" done.") # Compute CA(K, m, F/H): if verbose >= 1: sys.stdout.write("Computing C_A(K, m, F/H) ...\n") my_indices = [i for i in range(1, big_m + 1)] CAKmF_sur_H = structure.get_CA_Km_F_sur_H(my_indices, F.list(), H.list()) logZs_approx = vector([R(0)] * structure.nb_class) # Most of time is spent here. # The main loop in m: for mm in range(my_delta, big_m + 1): aux = structure.get_gamma(mm, s, big_p, prec) for ind_a in range(0, structure.nb_class): for ind_k in range(0, structure.nb_class): logZs_approx[ind_a] += aux[ind_k] * CAKmF_sur_H[ind_a, ind_k, mm] / mm # End of the main loop in m # We now have to complete the Euler products: eulerProds = tuple([(R(eulerProdIni[i] * exp(logZs_approx[i] - log_err)).lower(), R(eulerProdIni[i] * exp(logZs_approx[i] + log_err)).upper()) for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)]) if verbose >= 2: for i in range(0, structure.nb_class): nb_digits = nb_common_digits(eulerProds[i][1], eulerProds[i][0]) print("-------------------") print("For p + " + str(q) + " ZZ in ", structure.the_Class_tuple[i]) print("For F(x) =", f_init) print("and H(x) =", h_init) if s == 1: print("the product of F(1 / p) / H( 1 / p) is between") else: print("the product of F(1 / p^{" + str(s) + "})/H(1 / p^{" + str(s) + "}) is between") print(eulerProds[i][0]) print("and") print(eulerProds[i][1]) if with_laTeX == 1: print("LaTeX format:") how_many = min(nb_decimals, nb_digits) print(laTeX_for_number(eulerProds[i][0], how_many, 10)) print("(Obtained: ", nb_digits, " correct decimal digits)") end = timer() if verbose >= 1: print("Time taken: ", end - start, "seconds.") # print my_indices return structure.the_Class_tuple, eulerProds
[docs] def table_performance(min_q, max_q, nb_decimals = 100, big_p = 300): """ The behaviour of this function is described in the attached tutorial. INPUT: - ``min_q`` -- int The modulus q goes through all the values in ``[min_q, max_q]`` that are not twice an odd integer. - ``max_q`` -- int The modulus q goes through all the values in ``[min_q, max_q]`` that are not twice an odd integer. - ``nb_decimals`` -- int (default: `100`), optional Same as in ``get_vs``. - ``big_p`` -- int (default: `300`), optional Same as in ``get_vs``. OUTPUT: str the table in Latex is issued. EXAMPLES:: sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import table_performance sage: table_performance(10, 30) # random 11 102 digits for the first product 12 102 digits for the first product 13 102 digits for the first product 15 102 digits for the first product 16 102 digits for the first product 17 102 digits for the first product 19 102 digits for the first product 20 102 digits for the first product 21 102 digits for the first product 23 102 digits for the first product 24 102 digits for the first product 25 102 digits for the first product 27 102 digits for the first product 28 102 digits for the first product 29 102 digits for the first product 11& 10& 2& 8& 4& 21& 4 \\ 12& 4& 1& 5& 4& 21& 1 \\ 13& 12& 2& 10& 6& 21& 5 \\ 15& 8& 1& 5& 6& 21& 2 \\ 16& 8& 1& 5& 6& 21& 2 \\ 17& 16& 1& 5& 5& 21& 4 \\ 19& 18& 2& 10& 6& 21& 8 \\ 20& 8& 1& 5& 6& 21& 2 \\ 21& 12& 2& 10& 8& 21& 6 \\ 23& 22& 2& 6& 4& 21& 6 \\ 24& 8& 1& 5& 8& 21& 2 \\ 25& 20& 2& 8& 6& 21& 8 \\ 27& 18& 2& 10& 6& 21& 8 \\ 28& 12& 2& 10& 8& 21& 6 \\ 29& 28& 2& 7& 6& 21& 9 \\ """ ref_time = 0.1 # approximate time is ref_time for q = 3 res = {} for q in range(min_q, max_q + 1): if (q % 2 == 0) and (q % 4 != 0): pass else: sys.stdout.write(str(q) + " ") sys.stdout.flush() aux = get_vs(q, Integer(2), nb_decimals, big_p, -1) sys.stdout.write(str(aux[6]) + " digits for the first product\n") # type: ignore aux[5] = ceil(aux[5] * 1000 / ref_time) # type: ignore res[q] = aux for q in range(min_q, max_q + 1): if q in res: str_res = str(q) + "& " + str(res[q][1]) str_res = str_res + "& " + str(len(prime_divisors(res[q][1]))) for i in range(2, 5): str_res = str_res + "& " + str(res[q][i]) str_res = str_res + "& " + str(ceil(res[q][5] / 1000)) + " \\\\" print(str_res) return
[docs] def get_vs_checker(q, s, borne=10000): """ This is a low level sanity check engine described in the tutorial. It is to be used by developers only. INPUT: - ``q`` -- int The products are taken over lattice invariant classes modulo ``q``. - ``s`` -- real A real number > 1. - ``borne`` -- int (default: `10000`), optional boundary of computation. EXAMPLES:: sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_vs_checker sage: get_vs_checker(8, 2) ------------------- For p mod 8 in frozenset({1}) the product of 1/(1-p^{- 2 }) is about 1.0048326237351608 ------------------- For p mod 8 in frozenset({3}) the product of 1/(1-p^{- 2 }) is about 1.1394159722583108 ------------------- For p mod 8 in frozenset({5}) the product of 1/(1-p^{- 2 }) is about 1.0510974216618003 ------------------- For p mod 8 in frozenset({7}) the product of 1/(1-p^{- 2 }) is about 1.0251478255836493 """ # Computes an approximate value of the list (zeta(s; q, A)) # for A in the lattice-invariant classes. structure = ComponentStructure(q) # (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_class, theExponent, # phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure vs_approx = [1 / prod([1.0 - 1 / p**s for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes()) and (w % q in structure.the_Class_tuple[i]), range(2, borne))]) for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)] for i in range(0, structure.nb_class): print("-------------------") print("For p mod ", q, " in ", structure.the_Class_tuple[i]) print("the product of 1/(1-p^{-", s, "}) is about", vs_approx[i])