The main function of this package is ``get_euler_products`` which computes
with interval arithmetic and a proven precision
Euler products of rational functions over primes in special sets modulo some fixed ``q``.
These special sets are the lattice invariant classes modulo ``q``, and the software also enables
the user to use them through the class ``ComponentStructure``.
- Olivier Ramaré (2023-01-008) : initial version
- Dominique Benielli (2023-02_15)
Aix Marseille Université ,
Integration as SageMath package.
Cellule de developpement Institut Archimède
Needs Sage version at least 9.0
CAREFUL, this is Python 3 code!
sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_euler_products
# *****************************************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2023 Olivier Ramare
# < olivier . ramare @univ-amu.fr>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
# *****************************************************************************
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from sage.functions.other import ceil, floor
from sage.sets.primes import Primes
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
from sage.functions.log import exp
from sage.functions.log import log
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
from sage.misc.flatten import flatten
from sage.arith.misc import prime_factors
from sage.arith.misc import prime_divisors
from sage.rings.integer import Integer
from sage.rings.real_mpfi import RealIntervalField
from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RealField
from euler_product.utils_euler_product import ComponentStructure
from euler_product.utils_euler_product import get_beta
from euler_product.utils_euler_product import laTeX_for_number
from euler_product.utils_euler_product import nb_common_digits
def get_vs(q, s, nb_decimals=100, big_p=100, verbose=2, with_laTeX=0, digits_offset=10):
Returns the pair ((A), (approx_zeta(s; q, A))) where (A) is the tuple
of the lattice-invariant classes modulo ``q``
and approx_zeta(s; q, A) is an arithmetic interval approximation
of :math:`\zeta(s; q, A) = \prod_{p\in A}(1-p^{-s})^{-1}`
given in the form of a pair (lower_bound, upper_bound).
We expect the difference upper_bound - lower bound to be < 10^(-nb_decimals)
but this is not guaranteed. In case it does not happen, increase nb_decimals slightly.
We compute directly what happens for primes < ``big_p``.
We ask at the beginning for `digits_offset` more (binary) digits.
- ``q`` -- int
The products are taken over classes modulo ``q``.
- ``s`` -- int, rat or real number
A real number > 1. It should be given with enough precision to enable the computations,
so either an exact type or a ``RealIntervalField(...)`` number, given with enough precision.
As this precision is given in binary digits, using ``10*nb_decimals`` is a safe choice.
Notice that, if you want to have ``s = 2.1``, better use ``21/10``.
- ``nb_decimals`` -- int (default: `100`)
The number of decimals that are being sought by the final result.
The function aims at such a number of decimals but a final tuning may be required.
- ``big_p`` -- int (default: `100`), optional
This is an internal parameter that is described in the accompanying paper.
In short: the Euler products up to ``big_p`` are computed directly.
- ``verbose`` -- int (default: `2`), optional
Defines the amount of output shown.
It may take the usual values 0, 1, 2, towards more explanations.
When ``get_vs`` is used inside another function, ``verbose = 0`` is usually what is required.
The value -1 is special and the effect is fully described in the tutorial.
- ``with_laTeX`` -- int (default: `0`), optional
This parameter takes the value 1 or not 1.
As of now, this has effect only when ``verbose == 2``.
- ``digits_offset`` -- int (default: `10`), optional
We ask for some more digits, see above.
pair of tuples
The output is a pair whose first component is the tuple of lattice invariant classes (A)
and second component is the corresponding tuple of values :math:`(\zeta(s; q, A))` where
each value is given in interval arithmetic as a pair (lower_bound, upper_bound).
sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_vs
sage: from sage.all import RealNumber
sage: get_vs(8, 3, 100) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Computing the structural invariants ... done.
Computing big m ... Computing the finite product for p < 100 ... done.
done: we use big_m = 18 .
Building indices ... done: there are 5 summands.
For p + 8ZZ in frozenset({1})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-3}) is between
(Obtained: 104 correct decimal digits)
For p + 8ZZ in frozenset({3})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-3}) is between
(Obtained: 105 correct decimal digits)
For p + 8ZZ in frozenset({5})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-3}) is between
(Obtained: 105 correct decimal digits)
For p + 8ZZ in frozenset({7})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-3}) is between
(Obtained: 105 correct decimal digits)
((frozenset({1}), frozenset({3}), frozenset({5}), frozenset({7})),
sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_vs
sage: from sage.all import RealNumber
sage: ss = RealIntervalField(1000)(2.1)
sage: get_vs(7, ss, 100) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Computing the structural invariants ... done.
Computing big m ... Computing the finite product for p < 100 ... done.
done: we use big_m = 25 .
Building indices ... done: there are 11 summands.
For p + 7ZZ in frozenset({1})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2.10000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?}) is between
(Obtained: 102 correct decimal digits)
For p + 7ZZ in frozenset({6})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2.10000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?}) is between
(Obtained: 100 correct decimal digits)
For p + 7ZZ in frozenset({2, 4})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2.10000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?}) is between
(Obtained: 102 correct decimal digits)
For p + 7ZZ in frozenset({3, 5})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2.10000000000000008881784197001252323389053344726562500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000?}) is between
(Obtained: 102 correct decimal digits)
((frozenset({1}), frozenset({6}), frozenset({2, 4}), frozenset({3, 5})),
sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_vs
sage: from sage.all import RealNumber
sage: get_vs(3, 2, 100) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Computing the structural invariants ... done.
Computing big m ... Computing the finite product for p < 100 ... done.
done: we use big_m = 26 .
Building indices ... done: there are 5 summands.
For p + 3ZZ in frozenset({1})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2}) is between
(Obtained: 100 correct decimal digits)
For p + 3ZZ in frozenset({2})
the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-2}) is between
(Obtained: 99 correct decimal digits)
((frozenset({1}), frozenset({2})),
start = timer()
# Compute the structural invariants:
if verbose >= 2:
sys.stdout.write("Computing the structural invariants ... ")
structure = ComponentStructure(q)
# (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_classes, theExponent,
# phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure
if verbose >= 2:
print(" done.")
# Getting bigM:
if verbose >= 2:
sys.stdout.write("Computing big m ... ")
allowed_primes = set(prime_factors(structure.phi_q))
cte = structure.nb_class * prod([1 + 2 / (p - 1) for p in allowed_primes])
big_m = 10
while (float(log(cte) + log(1 + big_p / (big_m * s)) - s * big_m * log(big_p)
+ (nb_decimals + 1) * log(10)) > 0):
big_m = big_m + 1
# Initial computations:
if verbose >= 2:
sys.stdout.write("Computing the finite product for p < " + str(big_p) + " ... ")
prec = ceil(nb_decimals * log(10) / log(2) + digits_offset + ceil(big_m))
R = RealIntervalField(prec)
# s = R(s)
# Empty initial products are allowed:
euler_prod_ini = tuple([R(1 / prod(
flatten([1, [R(1 - 1 / R(p)**s) for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes())
and (w % q in structure.the_Class_tuple[i]), range(2, big_p))]])))
for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)])
if verbose >= 2:
print(" done.")
log_err = R(cte * (1 + big_p / (big_m * s)) / R(big_p)**(s * big_m))
if verbose >= 2:
print("done: we use big_m =", big_m, ".")
# Build the set of indices di:
if verbose >= 2:
sys.stdout.write("Building indices ... ")
my_indices = [m for m in filter(lambda w:
range(1, big_m))]
# 1 is indeed in my_indices.
CAKm = structure.get_CA_Km(my_indices=my_indices)
if verbose >= 2:
print("done: there are", len(my_indices), "summands.")
vs_approx = [R(0)] * structure.nb_class
for m in my_indices:
# print(q, m, s, bigP, prec)|-|
aux = structure.get_gamma(m, s, big_p, prec)
for ind_a in range(0, structure.nb_class):
for ind_k in range(0, structure.nb_class):
vs_approx[ind_a] += aux[ind_k] * CAKm[ind_a, ind_k, m] / m
# We now have to get the Euler products:
eulerProds = tuple([(R(euler_prod_ini[i] * exp(vs_approx[i] - log_err)).lower(),
R(euler_prod_ini[i] * exp(vs_approx[i] + log_err)).upper())
for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)])
if verbose >= 2:
for i in range(0, structure.nb_class):
nb_digits = nb_common_digits(eulerProds[i][1], eulerProds[i][0]) # type: ignore
print("For p + " + str(q) + "ZZ in", structure.the_Class_tuple[i])
print("the product of 1 / (1 - p^{-" + str(s) + "}) is between")
print(eulerProds[i][0]) # type: ignore
print(eulerProds[i][1]) # type: ignore
if with_laTeX == 1:
print("LaTeX format:")
how_many = min(nb_decimals, nb_digits)
print(laTeX_for_number(eulerProds[i][0], how_many, 10)) # type: ignore
print("(Obtained: ", nb_digits, " correct decimal digits)")
end = timer()
if verbose == 1:
print("Time taken:", end - start, "seconds.")
# print(my_indices)
if verbose == -1:
return([big_p, structure.phi_q, len(my_indices), structure.nb_class, big_m, end - start,
- floor(log(eulerProds[0][1] - eulerProds[0][0]) / log(10))]) # type: ignore
return structure.the_Class_tuple, eulerProds
def get_euler_products(q, s, f_init, h_init, nb_decimals=100, big_p=300, verbose=2, with_laTeX=0, digital_offset=10):
Returns the pair ((A), (approx_prod_(p in A mod q) f_init(1/p^s) / h_init(1/p^s) ) )
where (A) is the tuple of the lattice-invariant classes modulo ``q``
and approx_prod_(p in A mod q) f_init(1/p^s) / h_init(1/ps) ) is an arithmetic interval approximation
of the product over every prime in the class A modulo q of the quotient
f_init(1/p^s) / h_init(1/p^s) given in the form of a pair (lower_bound, upper_bound).
We expect the difference upper_bound - lower bound to be < 10^(-nb_decimals)
but this is not guaranteed. In case it does not happen, increase ``nb_decimals`` slightly.
We ask at the beginning for `digital_offset` more (binary) digits.
We compute directly what happens for primes < ``big_p``.
We assume that f_init(0) = h_init(0) = 1, that s is a positive real number
and that :math:`\Delta s > 1` where :math:`\Delta` is the order of the zero of f_init-h_init at 0.
This last condition is to ensure the Euler products converge absolutely.
See Theorem 2 of :doc:`the reference file<../tutorial/LoeschianConstant-NS-04-MCOMP>`.
to do
assert F[0] = H[0] = 1
- ``q`` -- int
a positive integer. The products are taken over classes modulo q.
- ``s`` -- int, rat or real number
A real number > 0. It should be given with enough precision to enable the computations,
so either an exact type or a ``RealIntervalField(...)`` number, given with enough precision.
As this precision is given in binary digits, using ``10*nb_decimals`` is a safe choice.
Notice that, if you want to have ``s = 2.1``, better use ``21/10``.
Additional conditions may be required for the Euler products to be absolutely convergent.
- ``f_init`` -- pol
a polynomial with real coefficients and such that f_init(0) = 1.
- ``h_init`` -- pol
a polynomial with real coefficients and such that h_init(0) = 1.
- ``nb_decimals`` -- int (default: `100`), optional
The number of decimals that are being sought by the final result.
The function aims at such a number of decimals but a final tuning may be required.
- ``big_p`` -- int (default:`300`), optional
This is an internal parameter that is described in the accompanying paper.
In short: the Euler products up to ``big_p`` are computed directly.
- ``verbose`` -- int (default: `2`), optional
Defines the amount of output shown.
It may take the usual values 0, 1, 2, towards more explanations.
When ``get_vs`` is used inside another function, ``verbose == 0`` is usually what is required.
The value -1 is special and the effect is fully described in the tutorial.
- ``with_laTeX`` -- int (default: `0`), optional
This parameter takes the value either 1 or not 1.
As of now, this has effect only when ``verbose == 2``.
- ``digits_offset`` -- int (default: `10`), optional
Not used yet.
pair of tuples
The output is a pair whose first component is the tuple of lattice invariant classes (A)
and second component is the corresponding tuple of values
(prod_(p in A mod q) f_init(1/p^s) / h_init(1/p^s) ) where
each value is given in interval arithmetic as a pair (lower_bound, upper_bound).
ValueError ('non convergent product')
ValueError("f_init[0] and h_init[0] must be equal to 1")
sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_euler_products
sage: get_euler_products(7, 21/10, 1-x^3, 1+2*x^2, 100, 100, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
((frozenset({1}), frozenset({6}), frozenset({2, 4}), frozenset({3, 5})),
sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_euler_products
sage: from sage.all import RealNumber
sage: ss = RealIntervalField(1000)(2.1)
sage: get_euler_products(7, ss, 1-x^3, 1+2*x^2, 100, 100, 0) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
((frozenset({1}), frozenset({6}), frozenset({2, 4}), frozenset({3, 5})),
start = timer()
# assert F[0] = H[0] = 1
# Compute the structural invariants:
if verbose >= 2:
sys.stdout.write("Computing the structural invariants ... ")
structure = ComponentStructure(q=q)
# (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_classes, theExponent,
# phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure
if verbose >= 2:
print(" done.")
# A small precision is enough:
R0 = RealField(30)
R0X = R0['x']
(x,) = R0X._first_ngens(1)
F0, H0 = R0X(f_init), R0X(h_init)
if Integer(H0[0]) != Integer(F0[0]):
raise ValueError("f_init[0] and h_init[0] must be equal to 1")
my_delta = (F0 - H0).valuation()
if my_delta * s <= 1:
raise ValueError('non convergent product')
# Get my_beta, myDelta and big_p:
my_beta = max(2, get_beta(F0 / F0[0]), get_beta(H0 / H0[0]))
if verbose >= 2:
print("We have Delta =", my_delta, "and beta =", my_beta)
# Getting bigM, prec and bigP:
big_p = max(big_p, 2 * my_beta)
cte = 4 * structure.nb_class**2 * (F0.degree() + H0.degree()) * (s + big_p)
big_m = big_p + 10
while (float(log(cte) + (big_m + 1) * (s*log(big_p) - log(my_beta)) - (nb_decimals + 1) * log(10)) < 0):
big_m = big_m + 10
# The coefficients CA(K,m,F/H) may increase like beta^m,
# This spoils the accuracy and has to be recovered:
prec = ceil(nb_decimals * log(10) / log(2) + digital_offset) + ceil(float(big_m * log(my_beta) / log(2)))
if verbose >= 2:
print("We use big_m =", big_m, ", big_p =", big_p, "and working prec =", prec)
# The precision has changed! Change the ring:
R = RealIntervalField(prec)
RF = RealField(prec + 1)
log_err = R(cte * (my_beta / (R(big_p)**s))**(big_m + 1))
RX = R['x']
(x,) = RX._first_ngens(1)
F, H = RX(f_init / Integer(F0[0])), RX(h_init / Integer(H0[0]))
# Initial computations:
if verbose >= 2:
sys.stdout.write("Computing the finite products for p < " + str(big_p) + " ... ")
# Empty initial products are allowed:
# print([ p for p in range(2, big_p)])
# print([F(1/Integer(p)**s) for p in range(2, big_p)])
# print([H(1/Integer(p)**s) for p in range(2, big_p)])
# print([F(1/p**s)/H(1/p**s) for p in range(2, big_p)])
# print([R(F(1/p**s)/H(1/p**s)) for p in Primes()])
# prod_list = [1]
# for i in range(0, structure.nb_class):
# prod_list.append([R(F(1/Integer(p)**s) / H(1/Integer(p)**s))
# for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes())
# and (w%q in structure.the_Class_tuple[i]),
# range(2, big_p))])
# eulerProdIni = tuple(prod(flatten(prod_list)))
eulerProdIni = tuple(prod(flatten([1, [R(F(R(1 / R(p)**s)) / H(R(1 / R(p)**s)))
for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes())
and (w % q in structure.the_Class_tuple[i]),
range(2, big_p))]]))
for i in range(0, structure.nb_class))
if verbose >= 2:
print(" done.")
# Compute CA(K, m, F/H):
if verbose >= 1:
sys.stdout.write("Computing C_A(K, m, F/H) ...\n")
my_indices = [i for i in range(1, big_m + 1)]
CAKmF_sur_H = structure.get_CA_Km_F_sur_H(my_indices, F.list(), H.list())
logZs_approx = vector([R(0)] * structure.nb_class)
# Most of time is spent here.
# The main loop in m:
for mm in range(my_delta, big_m + 1):
aux = structure.get_gamma(mm, s, big_p, prec)
for ind_a in range(0, structure.nb_class):
for ind_k in range(0, structure.nb_class):
logZs_approx[ind_a] += aux[ind_k] * CAKmF_sur_H[ind_a, ind_k, mm] / mm
# End of the main loop in m
# We now have to complete the Euler products:
eulerProds = tuple([(R(eulerProdIni[i] * exp(logZs_approx[i] - log_err)).lower(),
R(eulerProdIni[i] * exp(logZs_approx[i] + log_err)).upper())
for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)])
if verbose >= 2:
for i in range(0, structure.nb_class):
nb_digits = nb_common_digits(eulerProds[i][1], eulerProds[i][0])
print("For p + " + str(q) + " ZZ in ", structure.the_Class_tuple[i])
print("For F(x) =", f_init)
print("and H(x) =", h_init)
if s == 1:
print("the product of F(1 / p) / H( 1 / p) is between")
print("the product of F(1 / p^{" + str(s) + "})/H(1 / p^{" + str(s) + "}) is between")
if with_laTeX == 1:
print("LaTeX format:")
how_many = min(nb_decimals, nb_digits)
print(laTeX_for_number(eulerProds[i][0], how_many, 10))
print("(Obtained: ", nb_digits, " correct decimal digits)")
end = timer()
if verbose >= 1:
print("Time taken: ", end - start, "seconds.")
# print my_indices
return structure.the_Class_tuple, eulerProds
def get_vs_checker(q, s, borne=10000):
This is a low level sanity check engine described in the tutorial.
It is to be used by developers only.
- ``q`` -- int
The products are taken over lattice invariant classes modulo ``q``.
- ``s`` -- real
A real number > 1.
- ``borne`` -- int (default: `10000`), optional
boundary of computation.
sage: from euler_product.lattice_invariant_euler_products import get_vs_checker
sage: get_vs_checker(8, 2)
For p mod 8 in frozenset({1})
the product of 1/(1-p^{- 2 }) is about 1.0048326237351608
For p mod 8 in frozenset({3})
the product of 1/(1-p^{- 2 }) is about 1.1394159722583108
For p mod 8 in frozenset({5})
the product of 1/(1-p^{- 2 }) is about 1.0510974216618003
For p mod 8 in frozenset({7})
the product of 1/(1-p^{- 2 }) is about 1.0251478255836493
# Computes an approximate value of the list (zeta(s; q, A))
# for A in the lattice-invariant classes.
structure = ComponentStructure(q)
# (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_class, theExponent,
# phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure
vs_approx = [1 / prod([1.0 - 1 / p**s
for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes()) and (w % q in structure.the_Class_tuple[i]),
range(2, borne))])
for i in range(0, structure.nb_class)]
for i in range(0, structure.nb_class):
print("For p mod ", q, " in ", structure.the_Class_tuple[i])
print("the product of 1/(1-p^{-", s, "}) is about", vs_approx[i])