Utils_euler_product utilities for Euler Product
utils_euler_product.py defines functions
Main Engines
- Olivier Ramaré (2023-01-008) : initial version
- Dominique Benielli(2023-02_15) :
Aix Marseille Université,
Integration as SageMath package.
Cellule de developpement Institut Archimède
Needs Sage version at least 9.0
CAREFUL, this is Python 3 code!
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import LatticeInvariantClasses
# *****************************************************************************
# Copyright (C) 2023 Olivier Ramare
# < olivier . ramare @univ-amu.fr>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
# *****************************************************************************
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import sum as add
from builtins import max
import numpy as np
from sage.functions.other import floor
from sage.arith.misc import euler_phi
from sage.arith.misc import gcd
from sage.arith.misc import divisors
from sage.arith.functions import lcm
from sage.rings.real_mpfi import RealIntervalField
from sage.rings.real_mpfi import RealIntervalFieldElement
from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RealNumber
from sage.rings.real_mpfr import RealField
from sage.rings.complex_interval_field import ComplexIntervalField
from sage.rings.complex_mpfr import ComplexField
from sage.modular.dirichlet import DirichletGroup
from sage.arith.misc import moebius
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
from sage.functions.log import log
from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
from sage.functions.transcendental import hurwitz_zeta
from sage.sets.primes import Primes
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
def nb_common_digits(a, b):
Returns -1 if floor(a) != floor(b).
- ``a`` -- float
first float to compare.
- ``b`` -- float
second float to compare.
Returns -1 if floor(a) != floor(b), or the number of common digits.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import nb_common_digits
sage: import numpy as np
sage: nb_common_digits(1.33333, 1.334444)
sage: nb_common_digits(1.33333, 2.334444)
sage: nb_common_digits(1.33333, np.inf)
sage: nb_common_digits(np.inf, np.nan)
# Returns -1 if floor(a) != floor(b)
# This is tailored for positive inputs
if a is np.nan or b is np.nan or a is np.inf or b is np.inf:
return (-1)
if (isinstance(a, RealIntervalFieldElement) and isinstance(b, RealIntervalFieldElement)) or \
(isinstance(a, RealNumber) and isinstance(b , RealNumber)):
if a.is_NaN() or b.is_NaN() or a.is_infinity() or b.is_infinity():
return (-1)
if floor(a) != floor(b):
return (-1)
a = a - floor(a)
b = b - floor(b)
nb = 0
while floor(10 * a) == floor(10 * b):
a = 10 * a - floor(10 * a)
b = 10 * b - floor(10 * b)
nb += 1
def laTeX_for_number(w, how_many, nb_block_sto_cut):
Return a character string representing the real number ``w`` made of its
integer part followed by every decimal up to the``how_many`` -th decimals,
where every block of 5 decimal is separated by \'\\\\,\',
and every succession of ``how_many`` blocks is separated by \'\\n\'.
The string has a \`&\` after the decimal point and ends with
the string \`\\\\cdots\`.
- ``w`` -- float
``w`` is a real number with a (short) integer part and a floating point.
- ``how_many`` -- int
number of decimals, separated every 5 of them by \'\\,\'
and every block of ``nb_block_sto_cut``, on a different line. '\\cdots' ends the string.
- ``nb_block_sto_cut`` -- int
See above.
a character string int(w).separated_decimals where separated_decimals is LaTeX formatted
version of the decimal expansion of ``w``, see the description of the function.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import laTeX_for_number
sage: laTeX_for_number(22.01234567812345, 100, 8)
thelen = 5
listchar = list(str(w))
begpos = listchar.index('.') + 1
listchar.insert(begpos, '&')
if len(listchar) > how_many + begpos:
listchar = listchar[0:how_many + begpos + 1]
n = thelen + begpos + 1
while n < len(listchar):
if (n - begpos) / (thelen + 1) % nb_block_sto_cut == 0:
listchar.insert(n, '\n')
listchar.insert(n, '\\,')
n += 1 + thelen
return ''.join(listchar)
def sub_group_generated(n, q):
Return the frozenset of the multiplicative subgroup generated by the powers of ``n`` modulo ``q``.
It is expected that ``n`` and ``q`` are coprime.
- ``n`` -- int
an integer, expected to be coprime to ``q``.
- ``q`` -- int
a positive integer.
immutable set of the powers of ``n`` modulo ``q``
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import sub_group_generated
sage: sub_group_generated(5, 3)
frozenset({1, 2})
return frozenset(n**j % q for j in range(1, euler_phi(q) + 1))
class LatticeInvariantClasses():
This class takes a modulus ``q`` (i.e. a positive integer) and has two named accessors,
``the_SG_tuple`` and ``the_Class_tuple``.
The SG tuple is the list of the multiplicative subgroups of :math:`(\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^*` that are generated
by a single element.
The Class tuple is the list of Lattice Invariant classes, namely the partition of :math:`(\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^*`
made by the smallest non-empty intersections of elements of ``the_SG_tuple``.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import LatticeInvariant
sage: LatticeInvariant(30)
frozenset({1, 11}),
frozenset({1, 19}),
frozenset({1, 29}),
frozenset({1, 7, 13, 19}),
frozenset({1, 17, 19, 23})),
frozenset({7, 13}),
frozenset({17, 23})))
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, q):
"""summary for __call__ for usage of Class like function
- ``q`` -- int
A positive integer.
pair of the tuples: the_SG_tuple, the_Class_tuple.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import LatticeInvariant
sage: LatticeInvariant(10)
((frozenset({1}), frozenset({1, 9}), frozenset({1, 3, 7, 9})),
(frozenset({1}), frozenset({9}), frozenset({3, 7})))
sage: lat = LatticeInvariant
sage: lat.the_SG_tuple == LatticeInvariant(10)[0]
sage: lat.the_Class_tuple == LatticeInvariant(10)[1]
sage: lat.the_Class_tuple == LatticeInvariant(20)[1]
if hasattr(self, 'q') and q == self.q:
return (self.the_SG_tuple, self.the_Class_tuple)
the_SG_list = []
for n in filter(lambda w: gcd(w, q) == 1, range(1, q+1)):
my_sub = sub_group_generated(n=n, q=q)
# print my_sub
if my_sub not in the_SG_list:
# the_SG_tuple = tuple(the_SG_list)
# Then get the classes:
# Create a copy:
the_Class_list = the_SG_list.copy()
for n in range(0, len(the_Class_list)):
aux = the_Class_list[n]
for m in range(n + 1, len(the_Class_list)):
if aux.issubset(the_SG_list[m]):
the_Class_list[m] = frozenset(the_Class_list[m].difference(aux))
self.q = q
# Create immutable tuples from the mutable lists:
self.the_SG_tuple = tuple(the_SG_list)
self.the_Class_tuple = tuple(the_Class_list)
return (self.the_SG_tuple, self.the_Class_tuple)
LatticeInvariant = LatticeInvariantClasses()
# BaseTupledname = namedtuple('BaseComponentStructure', ['the_SG_tuple', 'the_Class_tuple', 'nb_class', 'the_exponent',
# 'phi_q', 'character_group', 'invertibles', 'invariant_characters'])
class ComponentStructure():
This class takes a positive integer ``q`` and creates the following list of accessors:
- ``phi_q``: the value of the Euler-phi function at ``q``.
- ``the_exponent``: the exponent of the multiplicative group :math:`(\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^*`.
- ``character_group``: the group of Dirichlet characters modulo ``q``, see this function for its description.
- ``invertibles``: the tuple of the integers between 1 and ``q`` that are prime to ``q``.
- ``the_SG_tuple`` and ``the_Class_tuple`` as in the class LatticeInvariantClass.
- ``nb_class``: the number of Lattice Invariant classes.
- ``invariant_characters``: given a subgroup in ``the_SG_tuple``, the tuple of the characters that leaves this subgroup invariant is created.
``invariant_characters`` is this list of tuples, arranged as in ``the_SG_tuple``.
- ``getr_A_Kt``: a method used only for ``get_CA_Km`` and ``get_CA_Km_F_sur_H``.
The coefficient C(A,K,m, F/H) are a sum on a variable t of s(F/H,m/t) times a function of t, say f(t).
The lattice class A in given by its index ``ind_A`` in ``the_Class_tuple``, the subgroup K is given by its index ``ind_K`` in ``the_SG_tuple``.
The function ``get_r_A_K_t`` answers a dictionary which to every ``(ind_A, ind_K, t)`` associates this f(t) (with the moebius factor).
The list of ``t`` is of course limited and given as the input parameter of ``get_r_A_K_t``.
This is the list of elements that form a divisor-closed subset of integers.
This list is the same as the list of necessary values of ``m``.
- ``get_CA_Km``: a method used for ``get_vs``.
The coefficient C(A,K,m) are a sum on a variable t of a function of the value computed by ``getr_A_K_t``.
The lattice class A in given by its index ``ind_A`` in ``the_Class_tuple``, the subgroup K is given by its index ``ind_K`` in ``the_SG_tuple``.
The function ``get_CA_Km`` answers a dictionary which to every ``(ind_A, ind_K, m)`` associates this value.
- ``get_CA_Km_F_sur_H``: a method used for ``get_euler_products``.
The coefficient C(A,K,m, F/H) are a sum on a variable t of s(F/H, m/t) times a function of the value computed by ``getr_A_K_t``.
The lattice class A in given by its index ``ind_A`` in ``the_Class_tuple``, the subgroup K is given by its index ``ind_K`` in ``the_SG_tuple``.
The function ``get_CA_Km_F_sur_H`` answers a dictionary which to every ``(ind_A, ind_K, m)`` associates this value.
When ``F == 1`` and ``H == 1-X``, the output of ``get_CA_Km_F_sur_H`` is the same as the one of ``get_CA_Km``.
- ``get_L_values``: a method used only for ``get_gamma``.
- ``get_gamma``: outputs the tuple defined in (22) of the :doc:`corresponding paper<../tutorial/LoeschianConstant-NS-04-MCOMP>`.
For every cyclic subgroup :math:`G_0` in ``the_SG_tuple``,
we compute :math:`\sum_{\chi\in G_0^\perp} \log L_P(t*s, \chi)`, where :math:`L_P(x,\chi)` is the L-series associated to :math:`\chi`,
save that we remove the Euler factors for primes below ``P==big_p``.
The output is the list of these values computed with ``prec`` correct binary digits.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import ComponentStructure
sage: structure = ComponentStructure(3)
def __init__(self, q):
self.q = q
def _get_structure(self, q):
"""summary for _get_structure
- ``q`` -- int
the modulus, i.e. a positive integer.
see description of the class ``ComponentStructure``.
(the_SG_tuple, the_Class_tuple) = LatticeInvariant(q)
# size of our matrices:
nb_class = len(the_SG_tuple)
# Getting the exponent:
the_exponent = 1
for i in range(0, nb_class):
the_exponent = lcm(the_exponent, len(the_SG_tuple[i]))
# Now the character group:
character_group = DirichletGroup(q)
# The range of invertible classes
invertibles = tuple(n for n in filter(lambda w: gcd(w, q) == 1, range(1, q)))
if q == 1:
invertibles = (1,)
# For each cyclic subgroup G0, we need the list of characters for G0perp:
invariant_characters = tuple(tuple(ind_e for ind_e in range(0, len(character_group))
if the_SG_tuple[n].issubset(character_group[ind_e].kernel()))
for n in range(0, nb_class))
phi_q = euler_phi(q)
self.the_SG_tuple = the_SG_tuple
self.the_Class_tuple = the_Class_tuple
self.nb_class = nb_class
self.the_exponent = the_exponent
self.phi_q = phi_q
self.character_group = character_group
self.invertibles = invertibles
self.invariant_characters = invariant_characters
self.q = q
# return (the_SG_tuple, the_Class_tuple, nb_class, the_exponent, phi_q,
# character_group, invertibles, invariant_characters)
def getr_A_Kt(self, my_indices):
This method is used only for ``get_CA_Km`` and ``get_CA_Km_F_sur_H``. The coefficient C(A,K,m, F/H) are a sum on a variable t of s(F/H,m/t) times a function of t, say f(t).
The lattice class A in given by its index ``ind_A`` in ``the_Class_tuple``, the subgroup K is given by its index ``ind_K`` in ``the_SG_tuple``.
The function ``get_r_A_K_t`` answers a dictionary which to every ``(ind_A, ind_K, t)`` associates this f(t) (with the moebius factor).
The list of ``t`` is of course limited and given as the input parameter of ``get_r_A_K_t``. This is the list of elements that form a divisor-closed subset of integers.
This list is the same as the list of necessary values of ``m``.
- ``my_indices`` -- list
list of indices (positive integers) ``t``. It should be divisor-closed (and include 1) and ordered increasingly.
output is a the dictionary (ind_A, ind_K, t) --> value, see above.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import ComponentStructure
sage: structure = ComponentStructure(3)
sage: structure.getr_A_Kt([1, 2, 3, 4, 6])
{(0, 0, 1): 1/2,
(0, 0, 2): 0,
(0, 0, 3): -1/2,
(0, 0, 4): 0,
(0, 0, 6): 0,
(0, 1, 1): 0,
(0, 1, 2): -1,
(0, 1, 3): 0,
(0, 1, 4): 0,
(0, 1, 6): 1,
(1, 0, 1): -1/2,
(1, 0, 2): 0,
(1, 0, 3): 1/2,
(1, 0, 4): 0,
(1, 0, 6): 0,
(1, 1, 1): 1,
(1, 1, 2): 0,
(1, 1, 3): -1,
(1, 1, 4): 0,
(1, 1, 6): 0}
# (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_classes, theExponent,
# phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure
r_A_Kt = {}
for ind_a in range(0, self.nb_class):
# TRICK ! The subgroup generated by A is at the same index!
sgr_A = self.the_SG_tuple[ind_a]
for ind_k in range(0, self.nb_class):
k_tuple = self.the_SG_tuple[ind_k]
for t_i in my_indices:
r_A_Kt[ind_a, ind_k, t_i] = 0
for SG in self.the_SG_tuple:
if k_tuple.issubset(SG):
L_set = {x**t_i % self.q for x in SG}
if L_set == sgr_A:
# In Python 3, len(..)/len(...) is a real number, say 2.0
# and the value of moebius becomes ... 1!
r_A_Kt[ind_a, ind_k, t_i] += moebius(t_i) * moebius(int(len(SG) / len(k_tuple))) * len(k_tuple) / self.phi_q
return r_A_Kt
def get_CA_Km(self, my_indices):
``get_CA_Km`` is a method used for ``get_vs``. The coefficient C(A,K,m) are a sum on a variable t of a function of the value computed by ``getr_A_K_t``.
The lattice class A in given by its index ``ind_A`` in ``the_Class_tuple``, the subgroup K is given by its index ``ind_K`` in ``the_SG_tuple``.
The function ``get_CA_Km`` answers a dictionary which to every ``(ind_A, ind_K, m)`` associates this value.
- ``my_indices`` -- [int]
list of indices (positive integers) ``m``. It should be divisor-closed (and include 1) and ordered increasingly.
outputs the dictionary (ind_A, ind_K, m) --> value, see above.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import ComponentStructure
sage: from collections import OrderedDict
sage: structure = ComponentStructure(3)
sage: OrderedDict(structure.get_CA_Km([1, -4, 4, 2, -4, 1])) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
OrderedDict([((0, 0, 1), 1/2), ((0, 0, -4), 1/2), ((0, 0, 4), 1/2), ((0, 0, 2), 1/2), ((0, 1, 1), 0), ((0, 1, -4), -1), ((0, 1, 4), -1), ((0, 1, 2), -1),
((1, 0, 1), -1/2), ((1, 0, -4), -1/2), ((1, 0, 4), -1/2), ((1, 0, 2), -1/2), ((1, 1, 1), 1), ((1, 1, -4), 1), ((1, 1, 4), 1), ((1, 1, 2), 1)])
# (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_classes, theExponent,
# phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure
r_A_Kt = self.getr_A_Kt(my_indices=my_indices)
C_A_Km = {}
for ind_a in range(0, self.nb_class):
for ind_k in range(0, self.nb_class):
for m in my_indices:
C_A_Km[ind_a, ind_k, m] = 0
for t in divisors(m):
C_A_Km[ind_a, ind_k, m] += r_A_Kt[ind_a, ind_k, t]
return C_A_Km
def get_L_values(self, m, big_p, CIF, CF):
for every Dirichlet character :math:`\chi` modulo ``q``, we compute
the L-series :math:`L_P(m, \chi)` associated to :math:\chi:,
save that we remove the Euler factors for primes below ``P==big_p``.
The output is the list of these values computed with ``prec`` correct binary digits.
- ``m`` -- [ComplexIntervalFieldElement]
the point where the L-series are computed. The real part should be > 1 .
- ``big_p`` -- int
a positive integer. The Euler products are computed for primes above ``big_p``.
- ``CIF`` -- Complex Interval Field
- ``CF`` -- Complex Field
not used. Only ``CR.prec`` is used?
the tuple of the values of :math:`L_P(m,\chi)`, where :math:`\chi` varies on the Dirichlet characters,
values computed with ``prec`` correct binary digits.
ValueError parameter ``m`` not in ``CIF``
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import ComponentStructure
sage: structure = ComponentStructure(10)
sage: CIF = ComplexIntervalField(200)
sage: CF = ComplexField(200 + 1)
sage: m = CIF(2)
sage: structure.get_L_values(m, 200, CIF, CF)
1.0000226377974809104806639790897095274193344466859037418898? - 0.0000131408916900437454874106515694589606441168219958035059?*I,
0.9999899240511933872962748479693199723956317768469030922497? + 4.14392795471732850815599881400588351007002717820829591633?e-63*I,
1.0000226377974809104806639790897095274193344466859037418898? + 0.0000131408916900437454874106515694589606441168219958035059?*I)
sage: m = CIF(2.1)
sage: structure.get_L_values(m, 200, CIF, CF)
1.000013330852742794601876671961697811977029714891503324800? - 7.7538957108934769520297959484934618269499996602296768?e-6*I,
0.9999947644552454506994437910117325481790746758589349726959? + 3.15595539279556818499806833653635488946195252544140357784?e-63*I,
1.000013330852742794601876671961697811977029714891503324800? + 7.7538957108934769520297959484934618269499996602296768?e-6*I)
# m belongs to CIF
# (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_classes, theExponent,
# phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure
if not m in CIF:
raise ValueError("m parameter must belongs to CIF parameter")
if m in ZZ and m > 1:
preci = CF.prec()
RIF = RealIntervalField(preci)
RF = RealField(preci)
CField = ComplexField(preci)
CG = self.character_group.change_ring(CField)
hurwitz_values = tuple(CIF(hurwitz_zeta(s=ZZ(m),
x=CIF(a / self.q))._eval_self(RF)) / CIF(self.q)**m
for a in self.invertibles) # type: ignore
CG = self.character_group.change_ring(CF)
hurwitz_values = tuple(CIF(hurwitz_zeta(s=m,
x=CIF(a / self.q))) / CIF(self.q)**m
for a in self.invertibles) # type: ignore
aux0 = [[1 - CIF(e(p)) / CIF(p)**m
for p in filter(lambda w: (w in Primes()), range(2, big_p))]
for e in CG]
aux1 = [prod(v) for v in aux0]
aux2 = [sum([CIF(e(self.invertibles[ind_invert])) * hurwitz_values[ind_invert] # type: ignore
for ind_invert in range(0, self.phi_q)]) for e in CG]
res = tuple(aux1[ind_e] * aux2[ind_e] for ind_e in range(0, self.phi_q))
return res
def get_CA_Km_F_sur_H(self, my_indices, coeff_sf, coeff_sh):
``get_CA_Km_F_sur_H``: a method used for ``get_euler_products`. The coefficient C(A,K,m, F/H) are a sum on a variable t of s(F/H, m/t) times a function of the value computed by ``getr_A_K_t``.
The lattice class A in given by its index ``ind_A`` in ``the_Class_tuple``, the subgroup K is given by its index ``ind_K`` in ``the_SG_tuple``.
The function ``get_CA_Km_F_sur_H`` answers a dictionary which to every ``(ind_A, ind_K, m)`` associates this value.
When ``F == 1`` and ``H == 1-X``, the output of ``get_CA_Km_F_sur_H`` is the same as the one of ``get_CA_Km``.
- ``my_indices`` -- list[int]
list of indices (positive integers) ``m``. It should be divisor-closed (and include 1) and ordered increasingly.
- ``coeff_sf`` -- list[float]
the list of the sum of the m-th power of the inverses of the roots of F.
- ``coeff_sh`` -- [type]
the list of the sum of the m-th power of the inverses of the roots of H.
outputs the dictionary (ind_A, ind_K, m) --> value, see above.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import ComponentStructure
sage: structure = ComponentStructure(3)
sage: structure.get_CA_Km_F_sur_H([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [1], [1, 0, -1]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
{(0, 0, 1): 0,
(0, 0, 2): 1,
(0, 0, 3): 0,
(0, 0, 4): 1,
(0, 0, 5): 0,
(0, 0, 6): 0,
(0, 1, 1): 0,
(0, 1, 2): 0,
(0, 1, 3): 0,
(0, 1, 4): -2,
(0, 1, 5): 0,
(0, 1, 6): 0,
(1, 0, 1): 0,
(1, 0, 2): -1,
(1, 0, 3): 0,
(1, 0, 4): -1,
(1, 0, 5): 0,
(1, 0, 6): 0,
(1, 1, 1): 0,
(1, 1, 2): 2,
(1, 1, 3): 0,
(1, 1, 4): 2,
(1, 1, 5): 0,
(1, 1, 6): 0}
# my_indices should be divisor-closed (and include 1) and ordered
# (the_SG_tuple, the_Class_tuple, nb_classes, the_exponent,
# phi_q, character_group, invertibles, invariant_characters) = structure
# print(q, structure, my_indices, coeffsF, coeffsH)
assert isinstance(my_indices, list), "my_indice must be a list"
r_A_Kt = self.getr_A_Kt(my_indices) # same indices as my_indices is divisor-closed
max_index = my_indices[len(my_indices) - 1]
s_f = get_vector_sf(coeff_sf, max_index + 1)
s_h = get_vector_sf(coeff_sh, max_index + 1)
CAKmF_sur_H = {}
for ind_a in range(0, self.nb_class):
for ind_k in range(0, self.nb_class):
for m in my_indices:
CAKmF_sur_H[ind_a, ind_k, m] = 0
for t in divisors(m):
# print("add", rAKt[ind_A, ind_K, t]*(sH[m/t] - sF[m/t]))
CAKmF_sur_H[ind_a, ind_k, m] += r_A_Kt[ind_a, ind_k, t] * (s_h[m / t] - s_f[m / t])
return CAKmF_sur_H
def get_gamma(self, t, s, big_p, prec):
Outputs the tuple defined in (22) of the :doc:`corresponding paper<../tutorial/LoeschianConstant-NS-04-MCOMP>`: for every cyclic subgroup :math:`G_0` in ``the_SG_tuple``,
we compute :math:`\sum_{\chi\in G_0^\perp} \log L_P(t*s, \chi)`, where :math:`L_P(x,\chi)` is the L-series associated to :math:`\chi`,
save that we remove the Euler factors for primes below ``P==big_p``.
The output is the list of these values computed with ``prec`` correct binary digits.
- ``t`` -- int
the L-series are computed at ``t*s``.
- ``s`` -- float
the L-series are computed at ``t*s``. The separation of ``t`` and ``s`` is only for readability of the code.
- ``big_p`` -- int
a positive integer. The Euler products are computing for primes larger than ``big_p``.
- ``prec`` -- int
number of correct binary digits in the output.
the list of values of :math:`\sum_{\chi\in G_0^\perp} \log L_P(t*s, \chi)`, see the function description.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import ComponentStructure
sage: structure = ComponentStructure(5)
sage: structure.invariant_characters
((0, 1, 2, 3), (0, 2), (0,))
sage: structure.get_gamma(1, 1.2, 20, 100)
(0.412058674847838475387476473?, 0.3959326495526308567412224144?, 0.4113672762131896194520237806?)
# (theSGTuple, theClassTuple, nb_classes, theExponent,
# phi_q, characterGroup, invertibles, invariantCharacters) = structure
CIF = ComplexIntervalField(prec)
CF = ComplexField(prec + 1)
if s * t * log(big_p) > (prec + 10) * log(2):
one = RealIntervalField(prec + 10)(1 - 2**(- prec - 9), 1 + 2**(- prec - 9))
l_values = (one, ) * len(self.character_group)
m = CIF(t * s)
l_values = self.get_L_values(m, big_p, CIF, CF)
return vector([log(CIF(prod([l_values[ind_e] for ind_e in self.invariant_characters[ind_G0]])).real())for ind_G0 in range(0, self.nb_class)])
def get_vector_sf(coeffs_f, how_many):
A polynomial F is given by its list of coefficients, the first one being 1.
The output is the list :math:`s_F(m)` for m less than ``how_many``, where :math:`s_F(m)`
is the sum of the m-th power of the inverses of the roots of F.
- ``coeffs_f`` -- list[float]
coefficients of the polynomial f, starting by 1.
- ``how_many`` -- int
number of computed coefficients.
list des coefficient s_f(m) over ``m <= how_many``.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import get_vector_sf
sage: get_vector_sf([1, -1], 5)
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
sage: get_vector_sf([1, 1, 1], 10)
[2, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, 2]
ann_i = coeffs_f + ((how_many - len(coeffs_f)) * [0])
s_f = [0 for i in range(0, how_many)]
s_f[0] = len(coeffs_f) - 1 # = degrees of F
for k in range(1, how_many):
s_f[k] = -k * ann_i[k] - add(ann_i[i] * s_f[k - i] for i in range(1, k))
return s_f
def get_beta(F):
Outputs the maximum of 1 and of the inverse of the norm of the non-zero roots of the polynomial ``F``.
- ``F`` -- pol
a polynomial with RealField coefficients.
the maximum of 1 and of the inverse of the norm of the non-zero roots of ``F``.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import get_beta
sage: R0 = RealField(30)
sage: R0X = R0['x']
sage: (x,) = R0X._first_ngens(1)
sage: F0 = R0X(1 - x^2)
sage: get_beta(F0)
my_roots = F.roots(multiplicities=False)
# my_root must be never 0
return max(1, max([1 / abs(c) for c in my_roots if c != 0], default=1))
def get_beta_rough(coeffs_f):
Outputs the maximum of 1 and of the sum of the norm of the coefficients of the polynomial ``F``,
which is precisely given as the list ``coeffs_f``. This is intended to be an easy upper bound when the function
``get_beta`` takes too much time.
- ``coeffs_f`` -- float
a list of floats, supposedly representing a polynomial ``F``.
Outputs the maximum of 1 and of the sum of the norm of the elements of ``coeffs_f``.
sage: from euler_product.utils_euler_product import get_beta_rough
sage: get_beta_rough([1, 3, 4])
return max(1, add(abs(c) for c in coeffs_f))